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Become Empowered with Santosia

Welcome to Santosia. I understand that life’s challenges are unique and complex to all individuals. As a Transformational Coach I’m here to help stressed, anxious and overwhelmed professionals become calm, efficient and confident, so they can operate at their highest potential.

Have you Ever...

  • Woken in the morning, and dreaded going to work?

  • Wanted to change something in your life, but have been worried in case you don't pull it off?

  • Felt three's no point in trying because nothing ever gets better

  • Sat on the sofa in the evening knowing something has to change, but you can't because you're overwhelmed at all the possible things that could go wrong?

Image by Kelly Sikkema
Image by Alysha Rosly

Imagine instead....

Waking in the morning and throwing off the covers, as your phone reminds you of your Heads of Department meeting that morning, where you're presenting the findings from your latest project, and you feel energised because you know Life has your back.

“We know what we are, but not what we may be”

William Shakespeare

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Hi, I'm Andrew,

And I know how all those emotions feel, because for years I felt them too.  I know how it feels to think you're not able to take that next step, that you believe you can, but there's just too many things out there trying to stop you.  But as hard as things may seem, there is a way to clear those negative feelings.

As a qualified Coach, and a Member of the Complimentary Medical Association, I can show you the way to take the stress and overwhelm from your life, and put you in the driving seat.

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Signature Package

Re-Discovery is my 7-week long coaching program where we will work together to help you rediscover and reconnect with your innate mental health, and change the way you view the world, using my simple 3-step system.​

  • Step 1 : Breaking Down the Walls - where we look at your past patterns of behaviour when you feel anxious or least confident, and at what causes those feelings of insecurity and anxiety.

  • Step 2 : Re-birth - we will look at how you react to problems, and you will discover an innate, extraordinary ability inside every human being that helps us rise up from uncertainty; and you will see how Life has your back

  • Step 3 : Destination: Your Future - we will now look at your dreams, goals and future vision, and different techniques to reach them; and you will discover your own inner compass which will let you emerge confident, calm and self-assured, no matter what life throws at you.

A Confident You is Only 3 Steps Away!

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Book Your Call

To get started, simply click below for your free Discovery Consultation

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Get Clarity

Together we will find the innate mental fortitude that will empower you to a happier life.

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Get Results

Together we will see your anxieties and overwhelm fade away, and see the self-assured you emerge and rock your life.

Taking Notes

Let's start a Conversation!

Before we work together, I want to offer you a FREE 20 minute Discovery Consultation so we can get to know each other, you can find out more about the program, and we can see if we're a good fit.

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Thanks for reaching out!

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